There is whiskey in the water, There is death upon the vine…

((Lyric from ‘Black Sun’ by Death Cab for Cutie in case anyone is interested))

Hello everyone… My name is Sai Havock.

I am a witch. Woo hoo.

I’m not strictly ‘wiccan’ (though I was for a time). I’m not a ‘white’ or ‘black’ witch, either. I believe that there is no good or bad, just positive and negative. Much like the image I have featured, I look for the good, the bad, the bad in the good and the good in the bad. I seek balance. I seek serenity. I seek hope and self improvement.

But most of all, I seek knowledge. I am a firm believer that knowledge is power. And that is why I’ve created this blog.

Most of what you will find on this blog with deal with philosophical, metaphysical, spiritual and occult matters… Though don’t be surprised if you find the occasional tutorial for crafts and makeup or artwork (writing included).

I’m honestly not looking for followers here. This is essentially my online Book of Shadows, my Grimoire. If you like what is here, that’s great. I’d love to hear your opinions and discuss different things.

If I offend you in any way, I can assure you that was not my intent as these are mainly my humble opinions, but keep in mind that I don’t care, so don’t even bother sending me a message about it. It will probably just get deleted.

But yeah, anything I may say on here is my opinion. Don’t take it so literally okay?

I’m really a nice person, I swear. C:

A little bit about me…

I’m a practicing pagan and I have been for around 5 1/2-6 years (I’ve kind of lost track to be honest). I was raised in a Lutheran family, though my parents weren’t very religious. I went to church for a while when I was a child, but it just never felt right. I have always felt more at home in nature.

I have a few talents of the psychic variety… I am clairvoyant and empathic. I do intuitive tarot/oracle card reading and dabble in augury (divination through the flight patterns of birds), rune scrying, herbal healing and reiki. I make my own organic soaps, candles, oil blends, remedies, ect.

I love gardening, walking in nature, big words, petrichor, cats, old books, good music, shiny rocks and all things ancient, obscure and unknown.

I am currently going to college for massage therapy and aroma therapy with the hopes of one day opening my own holistic-healing clinic. I believe I was put on this Earth to be a philosopher, a teacher and a healer…. But not of the conventional sort.

Honestly though, I talk a lot. I’m not nearly as intelligent as I make myself sound. I am just a drop in the bucket of life, still a student of the universe.

Basically, all I know is that I don’t know… And that’s just fine.